Debates of Bacha Khan (Khan Abdul Ghafar Khan) in the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan 1948 to 1954 Compiled by Bacha Khan Research Center Peshawar. This booklet of Khan Abdul Ghafar Khan’s (also known as Bacha Khan or Badsha Khan) speeches in legislative Assembly/ Parliament, in the formative phase of Pakistan, reflects his piety, simplicity, boldness and love for his nation.
It bears testimony to how true he was to his cause and his nation and how he was mistreated and under taken by the ruling elite, who pushed a newly born country for democracy, constitutionalism and purity to a dark labyrinth of theocratic constitutionalism, Mullahism, feudalism, sectarian and conservatism in its embryonic stage. It is an irony of fate that the colonial mindset of the founding fathers of the country in the pre-partition period’s socio-political scenario did not change even with the colossal human losses and mass migration from one dominion to another in 1947.
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