Pakistan Alami Sazish kay Narghay me |
Pakistan Aalmi Sazish ke Narghay main By Tariq Ismail Sagar Pdf Free Downloads
The Book “Pakistan Aalmi Sazish Ke Narghay Main” written by Tariq Ismail Sagar. This book contains collection of articles written by Tariq Ismail Sagar on various situations of Pakistan. Following are some of the main topics covered in this book.
Terrorist Attack on Pakistan, Pakistan’s 911 Blasts, Think of Country Hikmat-e-Aamli Ya Sazish, Talibans are coming, Black water, Pakistan Army, Kashmiri Terrorists, Great Game against Pakistan, IMF Gin and Line of Commerce, ISI and our Government, Dr. Afia Siddiqie kidnapping, Blood Hounds and Pakistani, Election 2008 and ground facts, Kala Bagh Dam Project, Impeachment of President, American Army and Indian Naval Invasion, New wave of freedom in occupied Kashmir, America’s invasion on Afghanistan And much more hot issues are covered in this book.
Click on one of the link given below to read online or download the pdf file.