Still another report states that it so happened that our Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) once spoke of four anbiya from among the Bani Isra’il, each of whom spent eighty years in Allah Ta’ala’s sincere worship and not disobeying in the least. They were Nabi Ayyub, Zakariyya, Ezekiel and Yusha (“alayhimussalam”). The Sahabah heard this, wondering how to copy their achievements. Then the angel Jibra’il(alayhissalam) appeared and recited Surah qadr wherein the blessings of this particular night were revealed.
There are other reports too, explaining the the origin of the laylat al-Qadr. But, no mater which of these we accept, the important fact remains that Allah Ta’ala has granted us this night, as a great favour, and how fortunate are those divines who have never missed worship in this night.
As to which particular night it is , here again approximately fifty different views are reported. It is not easy for me to enumerate them all, but the most generally accepted versions following pages of this chapter. Because the Quran itself tells us of this night, we shall commence with a short commentary of Surah al-Qadr.

Reference here is made to the fact that, on this specific night, the Quran was copied from its original and brought down to the first sky. The mere fact that the Quran was revealed on this night would have been sufficient to ensure its greatness. But, apart from this fact, it is also noted for many other nights. In the very next ayah, by way of incresing our interest in the matter under discussion, a question is asked:
And what will explain to you what laylat al-qadr (al-qadr 2).
In other words, the question asked here is : Have you any knowledge as to the greatness and importance of this night? Have you any knowledge as to great favours and bounties that go with it? The next ayah proceeds to explain its greatness:
Laylat al-qadr is better than a thousand months (al-qadr 3).
Therein come down the angels and the spirit (souls) with Allah Ta’ala’s permission, on every errand (al-qadr 4)
By Allah’s permission, come down on the earth for blessed tasks (al-qadr 5)
Peace reigns until the break of dawn (al-qadr 5)