Book title is “The Grammar Cracker, Unlocking English Grammar” Written by Mary Gretchen Iorio and Charles E. Beyer.
Grammar is a system of rules governing the proper use of language. It is important to understand the main grammar principles in order to communicate effectively in English. Often when people are in a hurry to learn English, they skip over the “nitty gritty” grammar details and concentrate only on memorizing needed vocabulary words. That may be fine for getting by at the most basic level, such as choosing food from a menu, but it can be frustrating for the limited English speaker if any questions should arise.
The Grammar Cracker attempts to unlock English grammar rules and practices in a clear, simple manner. Its logical format presents subjects in order of increasing size and scope, from letters to words to sentences to paragraphs to essays, articles, etc. This linear design is now thought to be the best way of acquiring language skills. In the past, grammar books were set up in a less organized fashion, giving students exposure to a variety of topics indiscriminately. However, recent linguistic studies have shown that language acquisition is a more logical and ordered pursuit than was once recognized. Technology has aided greatly in understanding the mind’s ability to analyze and absorb data; computers which measure the development of brain patterns, as new areas of discipline are undertaken, indicate a streamlined process. More sophisticated methods of tracking how people learn are being explored continually, and perhaps better ways to educate will be identified as time progresses. At the moment, however, teaching step-by-step distillation of knowledge is believed to be most effective, especially in the field of language instruction.
All of the material included herein is presented in direct and comprehensible terms. Eight detailed sections, hundreds of examples and exercises and many notes and hints make up the essence of this grammar guide. Everything is laid out in the Table of Contents, which serves as a thorough outline for the study of grammar. For now, here is a brief overview of the sections contained in the Grammar Cracker. Beginning with the alphabet as the basic foundation of English, the first section is all about letters: their pronunciation, ways they spell words, capitalization of them and various initials, acronyms and abbreviations they form. Next, word parts are analyzed, from prefixes, roots and suffixes to syllable division and stress. Then different types of words are examined, spanning etymology through parts of speech to related words such as synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, etc. After this, words are grouped together to create phrases and clauses. Section V follows with sentence elements such as subjects, predicates and objects (shown diagrammed). The sixth section covers sentence classifications and types, as well as punctuation. Paragraphs come up next on the agenda. Finally, the development of written works is examined. The aforementioned incremental manner of teaching is applied throughout the sections.
This product has value at all levels of English learning. Beginning students can learn the basic grammar principles, while more advanced students can use it in review and as a reference tool. It is set up to be a supplemental guide in classroom, private-tutor or independent-study settings. The benefits of learning good grammar are many and varied, from ability to express spoken thoughts effectively to improved understanding of the written word and better writing skills. Students are given the right combination for unlocking the door to English grammar in the Grammar Cracker.