“Toofan-e-Nooh” Written by Maulana Muhammad Ishaq Delhvi. Quranic story of Prophet Nooh (a.s), his ship, and the Ark of Sakeena. Nooh (a.s) is one of the most popular and principal Prophet of Islam. He preached to his nation for 950 years. But all in vain, and only a few of them were converted to Islam.
His nation was badly despite him. Therefore, Nooh (a.s) prayed for deliverance, and then Allah Ta’ala told him to build a ship to prepare for the coming of a huge flood. His one son, “Kan’an,” was one among those who were drowned and who were, despite his pleading with him to leave the disbelievers and join Islam. You can download this book from the below-mentioned links in PDF format.