Etiquettes of Life in Islam By Muhammad Yousuf Islahi Free Download
Etiquette of life in Islam, Islamic manners book in English. To realise the full potential of your life, to fill it with optimum joy and to lead a truly successful life is your inalienable right, provided, of course, that you understand the correct mode of living and the rules and etiquette of a successful life; moreover, not only should you be acquainted with these rules and etiquette, but you should also be constantly striving to adorn and civilize you life by translating these rules into practice.
Civility and good manners, dignity and courtesy, neatness and purity, prudence and discretion, organization and discipline, keen aesthetic sense, magnanimity and nobility of temperament, sympathy and consideration, mildness and pleasant speech, hospitality and humility, selflessness and sacrifice, lustlessness and sincerity, fortitude and perseverance, sense of responsibility and industry, fear of God and piety, reliance on God and bold initiative, these are the magnificent features of a truly Islamic life, which throw a halo of attraction round the graceful lives of the pious men and make their personalities charismatic; so much so that not only the Muslims but even the non-Muslims are irresistibly drawn to them and the common mind is forced to the conclusion that the humanistic culture which confers on mankind such invaluable manners and etiquettes for adoring and reforming life and infusing it with charisma, is like air and light, the common patrimony of mankind.
This humanistic culture, therefore, is worthy of adoption by the entire humanity so that all human beings may individually and collectively build up a successful life order. This will not only made their earthly life a haven of contentment and comfort, felicity and joy, peace and tranquility, but also secure in the world Hereafter all that is essential for a successful and redeemed life.
The Etiuettes of Islamic Life is an attempt to present these etiquettes and manners of Islamic culture in conventional book form. This work which represents a pattern of life ordered in the light of the teachings of the Book of God, and the precedent of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).
You can download this book in pdf format from the following link for free.