Guloona Takalon Cover Gulona Takalona By Ajmal Khattak Free Download in Pdf

“Gulona Takalona” is a Pashto poetry book by Ajmal Khattak. It is really lovely and classical Pashto poetry that this nice Pashto poet wrote throughout his stay in an exceedingly hospital in Czechoslovakia.


Ajmal Khattak was an excellent politician, poet and journalist who worked for the betterment of Pakhtuns. Most of the time, the political parties ignored their active members, and this angle caused huge losses not solely to their party but to the state. The services rendered by him for the Pakhtun cause would be remembered for a protracted time.


He was a committed political worker who suffered imprisonment and self-exile for years attributable to his robust convictions. “But he was additionally a literary man, having revealed a variety of books of prose and poetry, largely in Pashto and a few in Urdu.


The late Ajmal Khattak wasn’t solely a poet but also an excellent journalist and politician. Through his poetry, Ajmal Khattak highlighted the miseries of Pakhtuns and was one of the staunch believers of Bacha Khan’s philosophy of non-violence.