Cloning In The Light of Shariah By Islamic Fiqh Academy India Pdf Free Download


Cloning In The Light of Shariah By Islamic Fiqh Academy India PDF Free Download

Cloning In The Light of Shariah is an Islamic research work on ‘Cloning” Presented by Islamic Fiqh Academy India. Edited Qazi Mujahidul Islam Qasmi.

Human cloning or human photocopying is one such highly sensitive issue. The issue has generated a lot of debate worldwide. It is indeed a matter of satisfaction that Muslim jurists are also not oblivious to the moral dimensions of this new development. They, too, are busy finding Shariah’s guidance on this issue of vital importance.
In this connection a seminar held at Darul-Beha, Morocco with the cooperation of Kuwait and Moroccodeserves appreciation. The seminar, organized by the Organization of Islamic Medicines, Kuwait and the Institute of Humanities of Morocco deliberated upon the issue and adopted some resolutions offering Islamic guidance.  It would be pertinent to mention here that the Organization of Islamic Medicines, Kuwait has been actively engaged in finding solutions to vexed contemporary problems and has held many such seminars in the last few years.
Similarly, the Islamic Fiqh Academy under the Organization of Islamic Conference included this issue in the agenda of its 10th session held at Jeddah and adopted some resolutions on the subject. The Islamic Fiqh Academy, (India) too has contributed to this debate. The Academy, in its 10th Fiqhi Seminar, held in Mumbai from the 24th to 27th of October 1997, deliberated upon this sensitive issue and passed some prudent resolutions.
The present booklet is a compilation of the papers presented in the seminar organised by the Academy. Besides including the resolutions passed in the Mumbai seminar, the present compilation also includes translations of the resolutions adopted by the Morocco seminar and the Islamic Fiqh Academy, Jeddah. Some experts also attended the Mumbai seminar to enlighten the Ulemas about the scientific facts relating to the subject. Presentations of these experts have also been included. Therefore present volume seeks to introduce the subject as well as the guidance offered by the Ulemas.
The debate on the issue of cloning is continuing. New research in the field is are further dimension to the debate. We are contributing to this debate to provide guidance towards the right direction for the new research that shall unfold in the coming days, insha’Allah. May Allah make the present Endeavour of the Academy? beneficial to humankind and the Academy may continue its endeavours (Ameen)

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