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Sharh Ul Wiqayah By Sadr Al-Sharia Ubaydullah Ibn Masud

Sharh Ul Wiqayah By Sadr Al-Sharia Ubaydullah Ibn Masud

Sharh Ul Wiqayah By Sadr Al-Sharia Ubaydullah Ibn Masud PDF Free Download

Sharh Ul Wiqayah By Ubaydullah Ibn Masud Ibn Ahmad. The fame of this writer’s book is from Allah. For centuries, Islamic scholars have been imparting knowledge using this book. Sharh Ul Wiqayah is an important text for Hanafi fiqh. Besides that, the author has written several other works. Essentially, this book is the Sharh of the text known as Wiqayah. Taj Al-Sharia Mahmood, the author’s grandpa, wrote the book’s text. The author also wrote the Niqayah, a summary of the Wiqayah text.

Thus, his less-than-grave tone notwithstanding, his cool demeanour never questioned or aggravated anyone’s faith. The reason makes all sense because any theory can be true but various aspects suggest otherwise. In addition to being a scholar par excellence, Sadr-ul-Sharia also authored many books, such as the ‘Tafsir Kinana’, ‘Ta’line Al-Marbutiya’ and ‘Fath al-Bari’ which dealt extensively with the subject of burying judicial evidence under textual clouds. He passed away in 747 AH.

The author was a contemporary of the famous logician and philosopher Qutbuddin Razi, Allama Al-Taftazani, and the author of Nahw Meer, Mir Sayyid Sharif.

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