Category: History of Afghanistan

Mukhtasar Tareekh e Afghanistan – Professor Sahibzada Hameedullah

Mukhtasar Tarikh e Afghanistan - Professor Sahibzada Hameedullah

Mukhtasar Tareekh e Afghanistan – Professor Sahibzada Hameedullah Read online Free Download Mukhtasar Tareekh e Afghanistan, written by Professor Sahibzada Hameed Ullah. The narrative contains diverse issues related to Afghanistan’s history, particularly its topography, ethnic composition, anti-colonial struggles, and some of its specific historical events. Professor Sahibzada Hameed Ullah was a distinguished researcher and author, […]

Behtay Lahoo Ki Kahani By Babrak Lodhi

Behte Lahoo Ki Kahani By Babrak Lodhi Pdf Free Download Behte Lahoo Ki Khani book written by Babrak Lodhi is the blood flow story of Afghan war and provides a comprehensive review on Afghan war in Urdu language. Mr. Babrak Lodhi was born in a January 1947 in a middle class famil of Kabul. He […]

Sultan Ibrahim Lodhi History in Urdu

Ibrahim Lodhi By Aslam Rahi M.A Free Download in PDF. Sultan Ibrahim Lodhi was the elder son of ruler Sikandar Lodhi. He became ruler on the death of his father ruler, Sikandar Lodhi, in 1526. He was the last ruler of the Lodhi family. Ibrahim was an ethnic Afghan from his father’s side. He earned […]

Afghan Badshah By Muhammad Hussain Khan B.A

  “افغان بادشاہ” جناب غازی اماناللہ خان کی عظیم الشان چشم دید داستان ہے۔جسے جناب محمد حسین بی۔اے صاحب نے بہت خوبصورت اور دلچسپ انداز میں بیان کیا ہے۔ کتاب کی ڈیجیٹل ورژن قاریئن کے خدمت میں پیش کی جاتی ہے۔ Title name of the book is “Afghan Badshah” Written by Muhammad Hussain  Khan Director […]