Title name of the book is “Jabar Aur Jamhuriat” Constraint and Democracy. Written by Kalsoom Nawaz Sharif. Story of the take over of Pervez Musharraf against the Chief Minister Nawaz Sharif on 12th October 1999, and struggle of his wife Mrs. Kalsoom Nawaz for the freedom of his husband. Lets read in Urdu language. […]
Category: History of Pakistan
Pakistan Smart Book
Title name of the book is “Pakistan Smart Book” Presented by Tradoc Culture Center. This book contains information designed to enhance Soldiers, knowledge of Pakistan, including history, politics, country data and statistics, and the military operational environment. The Smart Book concludes with an overview of the culture of Pakistan including religion, identity, behavior, communication […]
The Biggest Financial Scandals of Pakistan in Urdu pdf
Title of the book is “The Biggest Financial Scandals of Pakistan”. Written by waseem shaikh. This book is about the top and biggest financial and commercial scandals of Pakistani corrupt bureaucracy, political pillagers, plunderer sectarians, Military Generals and Business man community who were rob Pakistan and the poor nation of Pakistan. Inside top stories […]
3 Years of Presidential Leadership of President Asif Ali Zardari
Title of the book is “3 Years of Presidential Leadership” Complied by President Asif Ali Zardar. It contains information about the performance of Asif Ali Zardari, the President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and Co-Chairman of the Pakistan People’s Party. Zardari was born on July 26, 1955 in prominent Baloch family frm Sindh. He […]