Tag: banking

What Is Islamic Banking?


Title of this booklet is “What is Islamic Banking?” An Islamic banking info. Your guide on basic concepts and principles of Islamic Banking. This booklet tells you about the basic concepts and principles of Islamic banking. Islamic banking is banking based on Islamic law of Shariah. It follows the Islamic Fiqh-eMuamalat, an Islamic rules […]

Banking in China By Violaine Cousin


Title name of the book is “Banking In China” Written by Violaine Cousin. Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Banking and financial institutions. Edited by Philip Molyneux. The Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Banking and Financial Institutions are international in orientation and include studies of banking within particular countries or regions, and studies of particular themes […]

Islamic Banking By Dr. Muhammad Imran Ashraf Usmani


Title of the book is “Islamic Banking” Written by Dr. Muhammad Imran Ashraf Usmani. A Meezan Banks guide to interest free Islamic Banking. Today the world economic system, that is based on interest, has resulted in concentrating the wealth in the hands of selected few creating monopolies and widening the gap between the rich and […]

The regnant Islamic Banking In Urdu pdf


مروجہ اسلامی بنکاری Islamic book ‘Murawejah Islami Bankari’ by Jamia Darul Uloom Islamia Karachi Pdf Free Download “Murawejah Islami Bankari” the regnant Islamic Banking in Urdu. An analysis study, legitimatize instructions, Fiqhi comments and a comprehensive literature on the Islamic Banking in Urdu language. Click on the link mentioned below to download the complete book […]