Tag: children)

Islami Adab (Islamic Manners for Children) By Maulana Ashiq Elahi

Title name of the book is “Islami Adab” Written by Maulana Muhammad Ashiq Elhi Buland Shehri. Islamic rules of etiquette and a moral code involving every aspect of life, which are applicable for the whole Muslim society .i.e. children, elders, young men and women. Rasulullah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said: “Women ar the counterpart of men”. […]

Stories of the Sahabah for Children

Title name of the book is “Stories of the Sahabah for Children” Written by Maulana Hamid Ahmad Tahir. Famous stories of the Sahabah of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) for Muslims kids in English language. Download in pdf format. Read online  Download link

Tawheed for Children By Dr. Saleh As-Saleh

Title of the book is “Tawheed for Children” (Level One) Knowing Allaah . Written By Dr. Saleh As-Saleh. Special Contributions from the kids Ashley and Nickie Goodwin & their mother Umm Ashley, Canada, & My Niece Umm Aseel, as well as an acknowledgment for sis Umm Ahmed al-Kanadiyyah for her editing. May Allaah reward them […]