Tag: hudood

Hudood Ordinances in Urdu By Justice Muhammad Taqi Usmani


Hudood Ordinances in Urdu By Justice Muhammad Taqi Usmani Pdf Free Download The book “Hudood Ordinances Aik Ilmi Jaiza is examine Islamic Hudood laws of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and explain the Hudoon ordinances being made by the National Assembly of Pakistan. This comprehensive work has been written by Justice Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani. You […]

Hudood Ordinances By Justice Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani


Title name of the book is “Hudood Ordinances” Written by Justice Mufti Muhammad Taqi Urmani r.a. Islamization of Laws in Pakistan: The Case of Hudud Ordinances. Translated by Khalid Rehman. The author is a former judge of the Federal Shariah Court and the Supreme Court of Pakistan (Shariah Appellate Bench). Ever since the creation of […]