Title name of the book is “Tareekh Mumlikat-e-Islam” Volume 2. (History of Islamic Kingdom) . This book was written by Shoukat Ali M.A Ex Lecturer Punjab University Lahore, Muhammad Azam M.A Ex Lecturer Gorden College Rawalpindi and Dr. Riaz-ul-Islam M.A, P.H.D former Deputy Director Office of the Historic Literature . This book was published in […]
Tag: kingdom
History of the Islamic Kingdom in Urdu Volume I
Title name of the book is “Tareekh Mumlikat-e-Islam” (History of Islamic Kingdom) . This book was written by Shoukat Ali M.A Ex Lecturer Punjab University Lahore, Muhammad Azam M.A Ex Lecturer Gorden College Rawalpindi and Dr. Riaz-ul-Islam M.A, P.H.D former Deputy Director Office of the Historic Literature . This book was published in 1955 by […]