Abu Hurayrah relates that Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam said: “My ummah has been given five special things that were not given to anyone before them. The smell from the mouth of a fasting Muslim in sweeter for Allah ta’ala than the pleasant smell of musk. The fish in the sea seek forgiveness on their behalf […]
Tag: ramadan
Virtues of the Holy month of Ramadan BY Maulana Muhammad Zakriya r.a
Virtues of the Holy month of Ramadan BY Maulana Muhammad Zakariya r.a Pdf Book title is “Fazail Ramzan-ul-Mubarak” Written by Hazrat Maulan Muhammad Zakariya r.a. Learn the Virtues of the Holy month Ramadan in English pdf. Presented by Jamia Ashrafia Pakistan. You can download this book from the link mentioned below in Pdf format to […]