Tag: what

What Is Islamic Banking?


Title of this booklet is “What is Islamic Banking?” An Islamic banking info. Your guide on basic concepts and principles of Islamic Banking. This booklet tells you about the basic concepts and principles of Islamic banking. Islamic banking is banking based on Islamic law of Shariah. It follows the Islamic Fiqh-eMuamalat, an Islamic rules […]

What Happens After Death By Maulana Ashiq Ilahi

What Happens After Death Pdf.bmp

Book title is “What Happens After Death” Written by Maulana Ashiq Ilahi. An Islamic aspect about life after death in English language in pdf format. Beliefin life after death is an article ofIslamic Faith. The prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) has directed us to believe in resurrection after death and […]

What one should make Dua for in Laylatal Qadr.

A’ishah (radiyallahu anha) reports: “I said: O Rasul of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam), should I find myself the laylatal Qadr, what shall I ask of Allah ta’ala? Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam), replied, Say, “O Allah, Thou art the One who grant pardon for sins. Thou lovest to pardon, so pardon me.” Note:- This […]